Digital Technology
AS & A2 Evaluation
Our group for AS produced a horror genre opening scene entitled The Malevolent Phantom. The film is based on a serial killer who is on the loose destroying innocent peoples lives. Whereas our A2 focuses on an action trailer is about an agent who seeks revenge on the antagonist. Through both projects our knowledge, understanding and skills have developed.
During our AS preliminary task we figured that our skills lacked since we didn't have any knowledge about the editing software and the rules of filming. YouTube was particularly helpful during the research of our ideas in the beginning. It gave us a wider access to a variety of opening scene from different genres so we could analyse and learn the codes and conventions. We were able to identify the genre we wanted to produce since we were unsure at the beginning. The videos were helpful in the planning stages since we used the tutorials on the editing features e.g. transitions, music overlapping etc. to expand our understanding so we could produce a higher quality piece. Compared to AS we found it much easier in A2 to film footage using the different techniques e.g. close up, establishing shots therefore conforming to the convention of the trailer. Whilst editing our trailer in A2 we paid more attention and adjusted the pacing, timing and how each scene transitioned.
We used the Adobe Elements Premier to edit our opening scene and trailer. It wasn't complicated to since we had previously watched videos on YouTube to ensure we used it to its full capacity. Our AS film was decent production piece but it wasn't very complex because of the continuity therefore there was less shots with only one piece of music. We weren't happy with how that production titles turned our because we didn't pay attention to it, consequently we rushed the creation. In A2 the editing improved as we had larger and various amount of shots accompanied by 3 different pieces of music so we could add a lot more effects e.g. the transitions between each scene, trimming footage, sound clips overlaying making the scenes more dramatic. Our production have improved since it looks professional because we adhered to convention to an action titles e.g. the bullet shatters the glass.
We used a school camera which didn't have the highest quality but it produced enough shots and saved us having to spend an excessive amount to purchase a high quality camera. There was issue with the battery life and we struggled with shooting in low light which was the biggest flaw to our opening scene because we hadn't adhered to the dark atmosphere; it’s supposed to be a horror. Although the our opening scene does have a degree of fear but the higher quality camera would of given off a scare factor. There was issues with sound because the microphone was small therefore the dialogues weren't clear enough. In A2 we used an iPhone because of the high resolution quality which gave the end product a better outlook. Whilst filming we make sure that the phone wasn't shaky so we gained stabilized footages.